is very proud to announce the first annual, completely online and interactive CADclips University (CU).
* My apologies. Adding in the new 'Polls' option on the left side of this blog seems to have disabled the 'Back' button of the web browser. I have notified Google/Blogger and apologize in the mean time.
Now's your chance to say "I was at the first CU'
<- Please take the POLL on the left hand side of this blog if you are interested.
Here's the poop.
November 13, 14, 15, 16 2007 (revised)
In the comfort of your chosen environment.
Meals and refreshments:
From your ice box or favorite delivery
Transportation to/from the Airport
Hotel reservations:
A computer with high speed internet and preferably a speaker phone.
Sound good so far........ ?
We will be posting more details and 'early bird' registration fees in the near days to come.
In the mean time, if you wish to inquire or suggest a topic, now is the time. Just comment to this blog or send me an email .