Thursday, November 1, 2007
CADclips Unviversity (CU) has been cancelled !
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
CU 11 07 Class Schedule released
Due to US Thanksgiving we have moved the North American dates forward by one week.

We're now making some good progress getting this first CU all organized.
I am going to have to forego the MEP lessons until the next CU to take place sometime in the near future.
Other than that it's all good news.
The best news is the cost for a full week pass is only going to be $25. That is correct, just $25 gets you into all classes, all week. You can attend which ever class you want.
If you want to have more than one person in the room taking part please feel free. Invite whom ever you want.
We ask only that you do not give your login information away to others.
We will be using GoToMeeting and Citrix technology to deliver the video aspect of the classes through the internet.
* Please Note: I will be providing a 1-800 number to deliver the Audio part of the class. You will need to dial in to hear me speak. You will also be getting billed separately on your own phone bill for the long distance charges associated to the 1-800 call. I am told by the GoToMeeting people that the average North American charge will be 4.75 cents per minute per person. This works out to be approx. $3 per 1 hour session. I did not think this was unreasonable.
I will be posting a link to where you can sign up very shortly.
I will also be repeating certain lessons based on Australian business hours for my friends down under. Aussi times and classes TBA.
Here are the Class Outline details as they are being developed. More information coming soon.
CU-11-07-01 - AutoCAD Architecture 2008 - Spaces and BOMA Standards (1 hr)
CU-11-07-02 - AutoCAD Architecure 2008- Networking Palettes (1 hr)
This lesson is not just for the large office installation the lessons learned here can be equally applied to a single user situation.
We start with a clean slate and a robust template file. We will model and then document a full set of house plans from the imported site plan to the roof top. Will will do our best to reach all corners of the REVIT tool set, object types and controls.
CU-11-07-04 - REVIT Structure 2008 - A to Z (2 hrs)
CU-11-07-05 - REVIT Architecture 2008- Custom Families (2 hrs)
Here will will build several custom families of different catagories. We will learn all kinds of tips and tricks for modeling, adding local and shared parameters and much more. The actual family catagory types TBA
CU-11-07-06 - AutoCAD Architecture 2008- Project Navigator Setup (1 hr)
CU-11-07-07 - REVIT Architecture 2008- Curtain Systems (1 hr)
There are 'curtain walls' and there are 'curtain systems'. Each one has it's own advantages which we will spotlight. Both of these use curtain 'grids', 'panels' and 'mullions'. You can use 3d linework or other model edges to create the curtain system 'ruled surfaces'. Then you slice it up with grids, add the panels and mullions and print.
We will also take a look at the panel and mullion families and materials.
CU-11-07-08 - REVIT Architecture / Structure 2008 - Colabooration (2 hrs)
CU-11-07-10 - REVIT Architecture 2008 - Phasing and Design Options (1 hr)
CU-11-07-11 - REVIT Structure 2008 - Rebar Reinforcing (1 hr)
I think most people try the rebar tools once or twice, get confused and then give it up. I can clear up that confusion and get you up and modelling 3D rebar. You can place rebar from a plan view or section view.
CU-11-07-12 - REVIT Architecture 2008 - Walk Throughs (1 hr)
We will put together an interior and an external walk through and export it to an AVI.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
First Annual CADclips University is very proud to announce the first annual, completely online and interactive CADclips University (CU).
* My apologies. Adding in the new 'Polls' option on the left side of this blog seems to have disabled the 'Back' button of the web browser. I have notified Google/Blogger and apologize in the mean time.
Now's your chance to say "I was at the first CU'
<- Please take the POLL on the left hand side of this blog if you are interested.
Here's the poop.
November 13, 14, 15, 16 2007 (revised)
In the comfort of your chosen environment.
Meals and refreshments:
From your ice box or favorite delivery
Transportation to/from the Airport
Hotel reservations:
A computer with high speed internet and preferably a speaker phone.
Sound good so far........ ?
We will be posting more details and 'early bird' registration fees in the near days to come.
In the mean time, if you wish to inquire or suggest a topic, now is the time. Just comment to this blog or send me an email .